Late endure ages iSuppli, the ascendancy on apparatus teardowns, appear a guess that the 8GB iPhone 3G amount $173 to manufacture-only a hair abroad from the amount of $174.33 they accept accustomed at as their official take. This amount does not cover added costs like software development, shipment and distribution, packaging and assorted accessories included with anniversary phone. However, it does represent about a $52 bead over the amount of the aboriginal 8GB iPhone. [iSuppli]

iPhone 3G Takes About $173 To Manufacture Says Estimate iPhone 3G Takes About $173 To Manufacture Says Estimate iPhone 3G Takes About $173 To Manufacture Says Est
iSuppli, an ascendancy on demography electronics afar and accession how abundant it costs to body one, has… Apprehend added Read more
Seeking Mass Bazaar Acceptance, Apple Stresses Amount Abridgement for iPhone 3G
El Segundo, Calif., Jul. 15, 2008-The new iPhone 3G sports an evolutionary architecture that favors amount abridgement instead of cutting-edge features, acknowledging Apple Inc.'s ambition of accretion its bazaar allotment and accomplishing a common attendance for the product, according to a concrete teardown assay conducted this weekend by iSuppli Corp.
iSuppli's Teardown Assay Service on July 11 acquired an iPhone 3G and commenced a anatomization in adjustment to analyze basic suppliers, as able-bodied as to actuate basic allotment and arrangement costs.
Per the teardown assay and consecutive examinations by analysts, iSuppli has issued a basic appraisal of $174.33 for antecedent assembly costs for the 8Gbyte iPhone 3G.
This amount consists alone of the iPhone 3G's accumulated Bill of Materials (BOM) and accomplishment expenses. The absolute doesn't cover added costs, including software development, shipment and distribution, packaging and assorted accessories included with anniversary phone.
iSuppli's amount appraisal is about identical to the $173 BOM predicted in iSuppli's basic teardown issued to the accessible in backward June.
Cost considerations aphorism in new iPhone
At $174.33, the BOM and accomplishment amount of the new iPhone is clearly beneath than the $227 that iSuppli estimated for the first-generation, 8Gbyte 2G iPhone in June 2007. While application a new design, the iPhone 3G absolutely represents a clarification of the aboriginal iPhone 2G, according to iSuppli.
"The accession of 3G wireless adequacy represents an evolutionary architecture footfall for the iPhone, not a advocate one," said Andrew Rassweiler, teardown casework administrator and arch analyst at iSuppli. "iSuppli believes Apple aimed for a added cost-effective architecture for the 3G iPhone compared to the 2G, in adjustment to lower the retail price-which will acquiesce the aggregation to berry acceptance and to abduction best bazaar allotment now-while the aggregation still has fizz and a perceived adverse about to its competitors."
The iPhone 3G's use of an Infineon Technologies AG baseband dent that supports the HSDPA, WCDMA and EDGE air standards, additional the affiliation of three abstracted TriQuint Semiconductor Inc. tri-band WCDMA Power Amplifier Modules (PAMs), reflects the actuality that the iPhone 3G is ill-fitted for auction worldwide.
Infineon takes key baseband slot
The absorbed table presents iSuppli's basic assay of apparatus and suppliers for the iPhone 3G, bent via concrete teardown. iSuppli has conducted a teardown assay of alone one 3G iPhone. While there are variations in the apparatus and suppliers for alone products, iSuppli believes that the vendors and locations articular in its teardown acceptable are adumbrative of all iPhone 3Gs now getting shipped-excluding assertive anamnesis accessories and added article locations that are accessible from assorted sources.
After iSuppli has completed an assay of a beyond sample of iPhones, we will affair added advice to the public.
Infineon AG was the big champ in the key baseband area of the iPhone 3G broken down by iSuppli, accidental its HSDPA/WCDMA/EDGE dent that includes bifold ARM926 and ARM7 dent cores.
Solely-sourced items cover Infineon's baseband solution, RF transceiver and Global Positioning Arrangement (GPS) devices; Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd's applications processor dent with Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM); Marvell Technology Group Ltd.'s WLAN accessory and Cambridge Silicon Radio's (CSR's) Bluetooth chip.
Multi-sourced items cover Toshiba Corp.'s 8Gbyte NAND beam anamnesis chip. Apple's added acceptable sources for this allotment cover Samsung.
Design insights
Other observations fabricated by iSuppli's assay aggregation include:
· The redesigned internals of the iPhone 3G cover alone one ample Printed Circuit Lath (PCB), instead of the two nested PCBs begin in the 2G version. The iPhone 3G uses a 10-layer board, compared to the less-expensive six-layer PCBs frequently active in adaptable handsets.
· The array is not anchored into the iPhone 3G as it is done in the 2G, authoritative it added serviceable.
· Some chips accept the Apple logo or are unmarked. Although iSuppli has been able to analyze abounding of these locations and their accurate manufacturers by de-capping the chips and analytical their dies, some accessories abide unidentifiable at this time.
iPhone costs
Beyond the $174.33 BOM and accomplishment amount of the iPhone 3G, Apple is spending an estimated $50 on IP royalties per assemblage shipped. With the 8Gbyte adaptation retail-priced at $199, and the estimated $300 subsidy paid by AT&T to Apple for anniversary unit, Apple is affairs the artefact at a amount of $499, and spending $224.33 to aftermath anniversary one. This gives Apple a BOM, accomplishment and ability allowance of 55 percent for anniversary 8Gbyte iPhone 3G assemblage sold.
Please acknowledge to this e-mail to accept photos depicting iSuppli's iPhone teardown assay findings.
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