The much anticipated and never-before-seen Camelopardalids meteor battery graced the skies of the Northern Hemisphere this weekend. While abounding say the reportedly ballsy meteor battery fell able-bodied abbreviate of expectations, others acquaint some appealing alarming photos online. What did you see?
Regardless of whether you saw one meteor of 100 on Friday and Saturday night, you did see something unique. NASA says that cipher had anytime apparent the Camelopardalids battery afore this weekend. As a bonus, a attenuate comet (209P/LINEAR) flew by appear the appendage end of the meteor shower, sending even added bits into Earth's atmosphere. But the admeasurement to which the appearance was amazing absolutely depends on area you were standing.
Feel chargeless to column your meteor battery or comet photos in the comments, and do let us apperceive what you anticipation of the show.
Images vis NASA / Facebook
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