Shooting Challenge: Night and Day

22:59 No Comment

Tonight is a abounding moon. And whether you reside in the country or the city, it's as acceptable a time as any for this week's Shooting Challenge: You'll yield a account at night, but you'll accomplish it attending like day.

The Challenge

Take a photo at night. Accomplish it attending ablaze and colorful, like day.

The Method

Get a tripod and a chair, because you're traveling to charge to blot a lot of ablaze out of that night sky to accomplish this work, which requires a continued exposure—like a few minutes. But a abounding moon can accomplish it easier, as it can technically put out as abundant ablaze as actual dim sunlight.

The exact plan for acknowledgment can be boxy to define and may crave some fiddling...and active in a city-limits can alone abash your calculations. I'd awful acclaim account through this flickr board. It will not yield long, and it was the afflatus for this contest.

One affiliate claims "ISO 100, 1 hour @ f/8" is the key. Of course, cranking your ISO will acquiesce for a beneath exposure. And every footfall up in ISO about doubles your sensor's light-gulping abilities.

At ISO 200, that aforementioned should yield about 30 minutes. AT ISO 400, you're at 15. At ISO 800 you're down to about 7 account and at ISO 1600 you're way down in 3-minute territory. Needless to say, after-effects will vary!

But those who accept acquaintance in this address should absolutely allotment their acumen in the comments, as even our advance attempt doesn't absolutely chase these guidelines.

The Example

Our top photo is by Lawrence Andrade. It's a 150-second exposure, f/4, ISO 200 with a Nikon D70s. You can see added of his plan here.


1. Submissions charge to be your own.
2. Photos have to be taken back this challenge was announced.

3. Explain, briefly, the equipment, settings, address and adventure abaft shot.

4. Email submissions to, not me.

5. Include 930px advanced angel (
200KB or less) AND a 2560x1600 sized in email. I apperceive that your photo may not abatement into those exact top rez dimensions, so whatever built-in resolution you're application is fine.
6. One acquiescence per person.

7. Use the able SUBJECT band in your email (more advice on that below)

Send your best photo by Monday, January 24th at 8AM Eastern to with "Day" in the accountable line. Save your files as JPGs, and use a FirstnameLastnameDay.jpg (960px wide) and FirstnameLastnameDayWallpaper.jpg (2560px wide) allotment conventions. Include your cutting arbitrary (camera, lens, ISO, etc) in the physique of the email forth with a adventure of the attempt in a few sentences. And don't skip this adventure allotment because it's generally the a lot of agreeable allotment for us all above the attempt itself!

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