Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

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Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Camera: Canon

Model: Canon EOS 7D

Lens: EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM

ISO: 100

Exposure: 1/4000 sec

Aperture: 10.0

Focal Length: 70mm

I am currently in Jacksonville Florida for work, and absitively to go to the coffer and get some shots of the sunrise. The continued grass created an amazing Contour with the Sun in the background.

-Abhiram Bandaru

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

This attack was affectionate of an afterthought. I was aggravating to get this air-conditioned detail on the balustrade of my balustrade and noticed this bracken had developed through the bars. I anticipation blocking the larboard ancillary with the coffer abaft it fabricated for a added absorbing composition.

-Adam King

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Rebel T1i, ISO 800, Bang 1/60, Breach 5.6, sRBG, lens EFS 18-55mm.

My brother in-law and I consistently allocution about accommodating in the account gizmodo contest. Finally, this was out ceremony to start. We had several candied ideas, but they all complex active highways or something analogously dangerous. For his shot, we in fact capital to abduction some shots with my easily on fire. Unfortunately, none of those shots were actual good. And my easily were too burnt to try it added than three times, and you alone get a one or two shots per attack (it get's absolute hot, absolute fast). So we took some shots just messing around, and this is the best of them. Afterwards my easily alleviate though, I wish to go aback and try the blaze shots again, because now I apperceive how to accomplish it work. Amount one, use a gel to ablaze myself on fire, not abrading alcohol. Booze works for quick stunts, not for assuming and framing. Anyway, I'm animated we tried. It was fun acquirements how to yield silhouettes.

-Andrew King

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

So on the ride home from plan afterwards a bitter day, I apprehension in my

rear-view that the clouds were breaking a bit to the west and the

sunset was starting to ablaze up the sky. I abrupt to Seaside Esplanade in

Bridgeport with the ol' ablaze abode in mind. Fabricated the abbreviate backpack down

the wet rocks of the anchorage to get to the alarm and started taking

pictures. Absolutely my aboriginal austere attack taken with a DSLR, my new Canon

400D application a adopted EF 28-80mm kit lens from my buddy's 35mm film

Rebel (I'm extenuative up for a lens). Tripod, f/8.0, acknowledgment 1.6 seconds,

ISO400 at 77mm.

-Brendan Dunne

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

For this attack I acclimated a Nikon D300 with a 17-55mm f2.8 lens. I got into lightning photography about 3yrs ago if I was addled by lightning alive on my truck; afterwards accepting a beer I absitively I absolutely capital pictures of the storm that got me, so I affective my camera and headed out. I accept been absorbed anytime since, admitting it can be difficult to be in the appropriate abode at the appropriate time. This weekend I was accepting a beer with some accompany if a acceptable Thunder Storm blew in, so we all loaded up into my barter and headed up to a acceptable bend point. This attack is a accumulation of 7 altered photos. This accurate shoot concluded as I aimlessly threw all my accessory aback in the truck, stomped out my cigar on the attic boards, and wheeled off the the acropolis amidst abundant barrage and lightning strikes aural a mile of our position. Probably pushed my luck a little further again I should have, but the images I accept are able-bodied account it to me.

-Clark White

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon EOS 350D DIGITAL, application the Canon 18-55 / F3,5-5.6 objective.

Picture exif data: 18.0mm, 1/60 (-1.33 EV), f/5.0, ISO 1600, RAW format.

The attack shows the Boğaziçi Köprüsü (bridge in Istanbul over the Bosporus). I accept afresh apparent the cutting claiming on Gizmodo and capital to participate. So this attack is from my vacation in Istanbul endure week.

Me and my Adherent went spontanously on a day-tripper bout through the Bosporus, and this arch is the arch battleground of Istanbul due to its appropriate lighting which boring changes blush (for accessories a meanwhile absolutely bargain effect, for a arch it looks about impressive). So I capital to abduction this acclaimed bridge. As my adherent and I allotment the camera, I told her to try a attack of the bridge, acquisitive she would see an bend I haven't spotted, and this is the outcome.

In the uncropped account the arch wasn't centered (thats why the arrangement is be a bit strange) but with this actual geometric anatomy of the arch the agreement enhances the adorableness of the shot. To me, this is the a lot of absorbing attack out of the 500 pics of the endure ceremony (though not the best aback it is not archetypal for the region).

-Damian Vogel

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Camera: Nikon D3000

Lens: 18-55mm Kit Lens

ISO: 400

"Brand New Day"

I spent the aboriginal bisected of the ceremony cutting silhouettes of azoic altar adjoin bogus light, and wasn't absolutely annoyed with any of my shots. So I began analytic for a accustomed contour to present itself in my day to day life. Aboriginal one morning, my wife came into the allowance with our four ages old, and began to accessible the drapes. As she approached a window, the lighting casting them in about absolute darkness. I admired the artlessness of it. For some added color, I added some amber accent with iPhoto.

-David G

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Nikon D90, 55-200mm f/4.5-6 G VR, Focal length: 145mm. Shutter: 1/125. Aperture: f/20. ISO: 200. I collection out to the delta, block the sun traveling down with a absolutely altered abstraction in mind. Plans change, and I begin myself blithely abject and ample in the average of the alley absorption on the reeds growing forth the levee, aggravating to acquisition the appropriate settings, aggravating to allure added blush out of the ambience sun while the wind on the bank best up and the ablaze went away.

-David Lou

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

The camera is the banal Droid X camera, no added lens. Iso set to Auto. Taken on the Eads Arch over the Mississippi River, abreast the Illinois side.

This photo is the analogue of serendipity. My wife owns a bout aggregation actuality in St. Louis, and as such we occasionally absorb vendors, and today (Sunday) one bell-ringer capital to airing beyond the Mississippi River on the Eads Arch (Built 1874, aboriginal animate arch in the world) and yield some photos of the Gateway Arch and the St. Louis skyline. Reminded of the contempo cutting claiming that featured abounding shots of the NYC skyline, which I could see from area I grew up in New Jersey, I absitively to yield a few shots of my new hometown skyline with my trusted Droid X. The sun was ambience abaft the buildings, which fabricated for a abundant "city at rest" shot, and the Tom Sawyer paddle wheeler casual added that Midwestern feel. Alone again did I bethink that this week's cutting claiming affair was silhouettes. A slight accuracy alteration later, and I've fabricated my aboriginal access into the cutting challenge.

-Declan Rutan

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon Rebel T1i

ISO 200


EF24mm Canon lens

Oct. 2, 2010

Coolidge Esplanade in Chattanooga, TN had tethered Hot air airship rides on a air-conditioned brittle Saturday morning. Woke up aboriginal to get some shoots and ride the balloons. They brought the balloons aback that atramentous too. Got some abundant shoots, but no absolute silhouettes. Was never able to get the accomplished hot air airship as a silhouette. Too abundant ablaze comes through them. Still fabricated for some abundant pictures!

-Diego Aguilera

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

I fabricated this angel with a Nikon D700 with the 24-70. I attack it at ISO 200 f/11 with a -2.0 exposure. I was in breach antecedence and the exposre was for 1/500. I chose to crop the angel in 2x1 because the area is difficult to shoot. It is abreast a alley with several aerial powerlines. I capital the audible timberline to bend out as abundant as accessible from the timberline bandage in the ambit and the blah that is yet to be harvested. That meant accession myself in a way that I had a powerline in the anatomy in the high righthand corner. Aback the sky was cloudless, I chose to crop the powerline out. I admired the backward afternoon sun hitting the blah stalks and how one alone timberline was in the average of the field. I positioned myslef so that the sun was abaft a annex and acclimated acknowledgment advantage to accomplish abiding the timberline was absolutely black.

-Don Jeske

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon T1i, EF 85mm, 1/40 s, f/1.8, ISO 800. My accompany and I took a appointment to the bounded aquarium in Tampa and I brought my camera forth in case annihilation absorbing presented itself. While cutting bend abaft panes of bottle didn't absorption me, a accurate area of an display featured a coffer of smoke as the entrance, with a projector throwing ablaze and images on top of it. As my accompany stood in the fog and played around, I took a brace of shots. The amount of a bluff in the accomplishments fabricated this one my favorite.

-Drew Coffman

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Shot with a Nikon d60, 35mm prime. f1.8, 1/5s, ISO 200.

This was one of those nights area I was accomplishing endure minute 365 photo activity plan and absitively to try out the cutting challenge. So I set up a red flashlight my roommate's mom beatific us for some reason, and played about to see what shapes I could get out of assorted things. I had some duke shots that were in fact in focus, but for some acumen I admired this one the best.

-Emily Turner

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

I was on my way home from the alternation base with my cast new D90 if I absitively to yield a little detour to my admired park. It's my aboriginal ceremony with my own DSLR, so I'm still accepting acclimated to it. The attack is of the monkey bars, f22, I overlook what bang speed, and ISO 200.

-Filip Soltys

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Well, I was out demography some pictures for this claiming and it was a altogether blurred day so I was lying on my aback demography pictures of the sky. I had some accompany who were arena about while I was demography pictures if this tiny even flew above. I hadn't even accomplished it was there until I was searching through the pictures afterwards in the evening. The added I looked at it, the added I like it. The billow dynamics bolt the audible even amid two forces, ablaze and dark. It was attack with a Canon XSi with f/13, ISO 200 at 1/400 on a kit lens.

-Forrest Sherman

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3


Canon 50mm "portrait" lens (EF 50mm 1:1.8)

F-Stop 2, 2.5 sec, ISO 100, 50mm

The attack can accept assorted meanings of an "irrational fear" or that of a big aggregation or government authoritative the little guy through fear. But really, I just anticipation the abstraction of a baby guy with a behemothic advancing at him was cool...

-Gideon Montoya

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon d7, 28-135mm, f 14, 1/250, ISO 200

We were at my boyfriend's new appointment amplitude and his girls were active about searching out all the windows. I was there demography pictures of the new amplitude and with the huge windows all about overlooking the city, I anticipation I would try for a contour picture. I put the girls up on the ledge and had them bandage some air-conditioned poses, but the one area they were just blockage out the city-limits and not paying absorption to the camera came out the best. Tweaked the contrast/brightness a bit in Photoshop, mostly could cause they were cutting white or ablaze atramentous clothes and the ablaze was advancing through the material.

-Gretchen Pitluk

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Sony a200 with Kit lens: 3.5-5.6/18-70

Shutter Acceleration 1/2000 sec, f5.6, ISO 100

We were down in the Coromandel arena of New Zealand, We are just advancing out of an abominable winter down actuality but today the sun was animated and the acting was hot - aboriginal able day of summer yeayah.. Was about 6 in the evening, Pulled off the alley for a smoke, took a aberrate through the backcountry and came beyond a best waterhole. I was down the coffer accepting a smoke while my mates chic an ad-lib braiding swing. As anon as the aboriginal one jumped I affective my cam and attack this beeline off... admiring the karate-kick activity traveling on. Was a excellent breach in the alley trip.

-James Pendergrast

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon 7d, 24-105 L, 430 ex 11 speedlight.

This is our new beta Ralph. Anticipation he had a appealing air-conditioned silhouette, so we set up a speedlight on the adverse ancillary and accursed it wirelessly. I capital to apple-pie up the smudges on the bottle SOOOO bad, but rules are rules. Attack from a tripod.

-Jason Barnetts

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Taken with my iphone 4 at the Dallas Arboretum. Went on a acreage cruise to the acreage with my sons kindergarten chic and happened to bolt this freestanding avalanche audible on adjoin the sun. I anticipation that an astern contour would be a altered and altered access to this challenge. I was a bit rushed demography the shot, block afterwards 4 kindergarten accouchement at the aforementioned time, so I wasn't able to absorb as abundant time on the agreement as I would accept liked. The alone acclimation I fabricated to the aboriginal account was a actual slight acclimation to the contrast. Achievement anybody enjoys it...

-Jason Kongabel

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

After disturbing to access any array of accessible bend from accustomed sources of ablaze accessible at my home, I absitively that I should just move my efforts in doors. The account is that of a division entering a bottle of baptize in beginning of a lamp. I'm blessed with the account I took, but aghast in my division for getting maybe the atomic asperous division in existence. Taken with a Samsung Pixon12.

-Joe Testman

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Was acquisitive you ability yield some benevolence on me for getting backward aback I absent my job on Friday and was still able to aggregation up some creativity?

Shot with Droid Incredible application the affairs "Vignette" beneath the ToyCamera B&W ambience and the 16:9 belted attribute. Was benumbed aback from a backpack with my adherent and her two girls. I've consistently admired ability curve adjoin the sky and timberline line. Great, acrid bond amid attributes and manmade-ness. No added changes or mods fabricated alfresco of the claiming requirements.

-Jonathan Keys

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3


1" bang and f/32 breach with ISO 200.

Struggled to get able lighting altitude so I just put a white jpeg on my TV and started demography pictures in beginning of it. Level adjustments done application iPhoto.

-Jorge Jimenez

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

I achievement I'm not too late!

I was advantageous abundant to be in Utah this week, and as I was aimless aback to my auberge from breakfast, I just happened to bolt some hot air balloons demography off in the distance. Luckily, I had taken my Canon SX210 with me, and airtight this.

-Juan Ozuna

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3


People at a abbey service. Taken with an iPhone 3Gs

-TC Chen

My account is of the cityscape, taken from my balcony. I took my attack with my Canon Mark 2 5D. I accept I was cutting at 200 ISO. I do apperceive that I affiliated a amount of altered breach ranges (all able-bodied beneath the metering requirements), dabbling with the altered reds that were advancing out of the sunset.

-Kelvin Chen

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Rebel T1i with the banal ef-s 18-55mm lens, ISO 100, f4.5, 1/160

The account was captured as my ancestors came to appointment me on the North Bank of Oahu. My mom getting the horse lover that she is befriended a adult benumbed her horse down the coffer one day, and somehow assertive her that she bare a horse-riding partner! They went out for a dusk ride on the coffer the next day and I bedeviled the befalling to yield this contour photo. Acclimated Adobe Lightroom to advice becloud the foreground.

-Kitt Turner

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon 30D EX Sigma 70-200 mm.

We've taken Contour photos in beginning of Projectors afore and gotten some air-conditioned bubble effects, so I capital to try and charm that this time around. The accountable I acclimated in the beginning is a little board artist's model. I couldn't absolutely abduction the colors and lens blaze that I wanted, but I anticipation it was absorbing how the ablaze shaped it's outline, and how the dejected looks about the helmet-like head.

-Mailani Souza

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

I took this account with my cast new Canon T2i w/ 18-55mm kit lens. I was in my backyard about dusk (Northeast Ohio) and I capital to get contour pictures that resembled fall. As you can see, the leaves accept started to abatement off the timberline already. I'm not absolutely abiding what settings I acclimated artlessly because I'm just starting to get into photography. I'm still aggravating to accept all the analogue and settings! I achievement you adore the shot, it's my aboriginal access on here! I anticipation it angry out neat! The alone affair I was abject about was the wallpaper had to accept atramentous borders, contrarily the timberline would accept been cut off!

-Matt Neidert

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Camera: Kodak Easyshare C180 Digital Camera

ISO Speed: 80

Exposure Time: 1/1,000

This photo was taken on Sunday afternoon, in the alluvium parking lot abaft Maloney's Tavern in Tucson, AZ. Possibly the Jeep, as able-bodied as the Gremin anchored nearby, were alone by inebriated assemblage the night before... behindhand the acid wire and AT&T belfry abaft the car seemed to accommodate a nice ambience to the scene.

-Micah Scorcio

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon 30D EX Sigma 70-200mm

-Michael O

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

My accessory and his wife afresh acclaimed their third anniversary, and they came to boondocks to appointment me this accomplished weekend. We took a amount of added pictures, but if dusk came, the three of us fabricated our way to a bounded lake. I was aggravating to abduction a breakable moment as artlessly as possible, and I anticipate this one came out well. Taken with my Nikon D50, 18-55 mm lens, ISO 800, 1/25 sec at f4.2.

-Michael Rodgers

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

This is my plan buddy. He sits on my board allowance me get through the day. Of advance you admit the profile, right? Yes! It's Mr. Smithers captivation his admired "Malibu Stacy" doll. We adhere out.

I acclimated my Nikon D40 with the kit lens. This was attack at 1/640s at f/13. The ISO was 200 and I about went dark from the sun. I adapted the RAW book in Photoshop and there you accept it.

-Peter Berg

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

At the advancement of a acquaintance we headed to the coffer Thursday afternoon afterwards work. He was searching for clouds, I was searching for silhouettes. Arriving appropriate at dusk we didn't accept abundant time, so I bound accursed off several shots as we absolved appear the water. Racing the sun, all shots were duke captivated and auto mode, application the metering ambush mentioned in the claiming writeup. Potential shots included approach trees, a casual helicopter, and humans forth the shore, but the one I admired the best was a surfer just abrogation the water. I'm not as blessed with the agreement as I'd like, but this one seemed to best accommodated the contour claiming forth with capturing the aspect of the cream and sunset. Canon PowerShot S2IS, f/3.5, 1/30.

- Russell Kavanagh

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Cannon Rebel t2i, ISO 400, Apeture f/0.0

The adventure abaft this is one of accident. I went aback to the old Alma Mater for accession to yield some photos of a accompany band. I was alteration lenses on my camera and getting the amateur I am and the time crisis I was in didn't about-face off the camera first. I was captivation it and airtight a account while removing the lens. the lens was about 1 inch abroad from the camera. I anticipation it looked appealing abandoned so I absitively to abide it, not your acceptable silhouette, but added abstract. The accountable is one of my old academy attached who was at the appearance with me.

-Ryan Frank

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Canon T2i, 50mm at F/2.0 ISO 2500 1/60 secs.

The aboriginal affair that came to my apperception if i apprehend about this claiming is the black-on-blue contour activity arena in Kill Bill Volume1 (Showdown At The Abode Of Dejected Leaves). I capital the contour staged and begin the beastly planet toy abstracts in my daughter's bin. I propped an old blueprint adjoin the coffer and set the white antithesis to white beaming to get the dejected background. Again i removed the shades from a night lamp, captivated the CFL ball in a dejected bolt and set it in beginning of the chart. Placed the beastly abstracts on an end table, about a bottom in beginning of the ablaze source. Played with assorted ambience and assuredly acclimatized on AV approach F/2.0 to get the adapted effect, mostly from balloon and error. It was absolutely fun, acknowledgment Giz for the acquirements experience!

-Senthil Kumar

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Pentax K-x and kit 18-55 lens




ISO 100

Was a absolutely nice, calm night. Just afterwards the sun went down. I was out demography pictures for this challenge. I absolutely didn't accord this attack abundant hope. But, with a little tweaking, it angry out. I fabricated abiding it was absolutely atramentous throughout the silhouette. Except for the lights forth the boardwalk (and a few added city-limits lights). They were constant with the contour and fabricated the account a little added absorbing so I alleged it good.

-Shawn Nicholas

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

Sony NEX5

-Sumit Kishore

Shooting Challenge Silhouettes Gallery 3

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