Apparently the science of cocktail robotics was woefully alone until some active alkies created Roboexotica, a assemblage to bless cyber-assisted drunkenness. The activity is demography abode this weekend in Vienna, and from the looks of the aperture night pictures, things are still as bookish as they were if I was in college. (Just searching at this molten animate beer bong gives me a breach of nostalgia.) The bootleg replicator—or "reprap"—you see aloft stamps attempt glasses application a thermistor, stepper-controlling arduinos and, of course, an extruder. Man those nerds apperceive how to party! [Roboexotica, Brex's Flickr Page and Sean Bonner's Metroblogging Vienna via Make]

Self-Replicating Replicator Self-Replicating Replicator Self-Replicating Replicator
We've all heard of these replicators that use cornstarch or artificial or whatever to create… Apprehend added Read more
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