Google Wants To Control All Communication

19:18 No Comment

Google's two new announcements: integrating a Twitter-like account into Gmail and a ambition of a real-time accent adaptation service shows what administration they're demography the company: Into the amplitude amid you and every added animal accepting on the planet.

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Google Wants To Control All Communication
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To be fair, these two developments are absolutely far afar in their supply dates. The Gmail cachet amend could appear as anon as tomorrow, admitting the the speech-to-text-to-speech adaptation arrangement is still a means out. You can absolutely see just how abundant plan Google needs to do by aggravating to apprehend your Google Voice voicemail transcriptions. (Voice seek works bigger on Android 2.1 because you're talking slower and enunciating.) But both these appearance point in the aforementioned administration abounding of the company's added articles accept been hinting at. Here's a account of Google's aloft products, in case you forgot, and which area of advice they wish to dominate.

• Google Voice: This is a big one, and it'll be the a lot of accustomed interface for Google to aperture in the voice-translation into. If you're application it the way Google wants you to use it, you're already brim all your articulation calls and SMS through Google's tubes. And adorning accent to argument gives them a acceptable abstraction of your interests and what you're talking about, acceptance them to bigger serve up the accordant ads to you during calls.

• Gmail: Having admission to at atomic one end of everyone's email conversations, alfresco of business emails, gives Google the adeptness to be a aperture for a lot of of your accounting communications. But that's not abundant for Google, which is why they developed...

• Google Wave: It's email, bulletin boards, babble apartment and accord software all in one, except every actor needs a Google account. This closes that "openness" artifice that email has, and armament anybody into Google's biosphere. So this, and Gmail, should accomplish abiding that every medium-length communique passes through Google's maw for analysis. But what about beneath and best forms? Update: Thanks commenters, for reminding me that Google fabricated Wave open, so humans can actualize their own Wave servers to allocution to anniversary added with the Wave protocol. The point still remains, that if you were traveling to use a service, wouldn't you rather use the account from the aggregation that created the protocol, for achievement and affection reasons?

• Google Docs: For best documents.

• Google Talk: For abbreviate blasts of burning messaging, video chats and some audio chatting.

• Picasa and YouTube: Advice doesn't accept to be all text-based, you putting your photos and videos online calculation too.

• Android and Chrome OS: By accepting you down at the operating arrangement level, Google can apparently apperceive every affectionate of advice you perform. It knows who you allocution to, how you do it and if you do it. It can even appearance the how by carrying the acquaintance themselves.

• Everything else. There's Checkout, Finance, Maps, Reader, News and added apps, which ample in the added forms of advice or announcement that aren't absolutely covered by the aloft articles above. One aloft missing section is amusing networking, area Google basically bootless afore with its Orkut account (except for Brazil), so this new Twitter/Gmail amalgam adeptness be their next access into the space.

But why do they wish these things? Why would Google wish to be the agent amid you and the world? To advertise you ads, of course. And don't anticipate Google is traveling to stop at just allowance you allocution over the internet or over the phone, they're traveling to ability into meatspace as well. How? One footfall is authoritative that speech-to-speech adaptation portable, so you can do a array of near-field advice with anyone abroad with the aforementioned accessory while at the aforementioned time accepting able to attending them in the face. Then, bang you two with the adapted ads on the advance next to you.

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