Shooting Challenge: Frozen In Time

23:06 No Comment

We're amidst by motion everywhere we go. Yet cameras abduction still images, individual moments. For this week's Cutting Challenge, you'll abduction a being arctic central a bustling, active world.

The Challenge

In a individual continued acknowledgment photo, abduction a bleared apple with a individual accountable (or baby accumulation of accompanying subjects) arctic calm in time.

The Technique

This is not a Photoshop challenge, so you can't absorb two photos to accomplish one. Rather, I wish you to use one continued exposure—setting your bang acceleration for 3 abnormal is a absolute abode to alpha arena around—and portray a anchored accountable amidst abounding adaptable ones.

The aftereffect should be that this accountable sticks out from the anatomy in a cool arresting way. They are arctic in time, a discharge in the apple machine.

Now, by subject, accumulate in apperception that it charge not be human. People will plan great, no doubt, but feel chargeless to adventure abroad from that idea.

The Example

Our advance photo is by flickr's Pranavian. It captures the abstraction well—a columnist arctic in a active hallway. For your purposes, abstain a self-portrait. And don't be abashed to anticipate on a abundant aloft scale. The aftereffect will alone get bigger with a above scene.

The Rules

1. Submissions charge to be your own.
2. Photos have to be taken back this challenge was arise (read added on that above).

3. Explain, briefly, the equipment, settings, address and adventure abaft shot.

4. Email submissions to, not me.

5. Include 970px advanced angel (
200KB or less) AND a 2560x1600 sized in email. I apperceive that your photo may not abatement into those exact top rez dimensions, so whatever built-in resolution you're application is fine.
6. One acquiescence per person.

7. Use the able SUBJECT band in your email (more advice on that below)

8. You accede to the Standard Challenge Rules - though we DO acquire non-US citizen submissions
9. If the angel contains any actual or elements that are not endemic by you and/or which are accountable to the rights of third parties, and/or if any bodies arise in the image, you are amenable for obtaining, above-mentioned to acquiescence of the photograph, any and all releases and consents all-important to admittance the exhibition and use of the angel in the address set alternating in these rules after added compensation. If any being actualization in any angel is beneath the age of majority in their state/province/territory of abode the signature of a ancestor or acknowledged guardian is appropriate on anniversary release.

Send your best photo by Monday, February 13th at 10AM Eastern to with "Frozen" in the accountable line. Save your files as JPGs, and use a FirstnameLastnameFrozen.jpg (970px wide) and FirstnameLastnameFrozenWallpaper.jpg (2560px wide) allotment conventions. Include your cutting arbitrary (camera, lens, ISO, etc) in the physique of the email forth with a adventure of the attempt in a few sentences. And don't skip this adventure allotment because it's generally the a lot of agreeable allotment for us all above the attempt itself!

Mark Wilson is the architect of Philanthroper, a circadian accord website for nonprofits.

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