Good news, admirers of overpriced ionic beating chairs that brace your feet, atmosphere and apperception simultaneously, Sharper Image is accepting allowance cards again! But you accept to buy something account alert as abundant as the card, and you accept to use it all at once. They're not blame about here. Our advice? Dispose of your airy Sharper Image monies as fast as you can afore it turns into breath again. [BW via Consumerist]

What Went Wrong With Sharper Image What Went Wrong With Sharper Image What Went Wrong With Sharper Image
Now that Sharper Image declared defalcation and affairs to abutting down 90 out of its 180 stores, us… Apprehend added Read more

Sharper Image Suspends Allowance Agenda Redemption Sharper Image Suspends Allowance Agenda Redemption Sharper Image Suspends Allowance Agenda Redemption
As a aftereffect of Sharper Image's defalcation filing beforehand this week, the company's absitively … Apprehend added Read more
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