Here's an absurd aggregate brought to you by the Japanese ad industry: Hipster administrator Wes Anderson, adult third-world-kid-adoptothoner Brad Pitt, topless French ladies and... Japan's Softbank cellphones.
The ad, for Softbank's winter line, is a accommodate of the 1953 French blur Les Vacances de Monseieur Hulot. Pitt looks over some fruit, helps advance a adjourned car, about gets run over by bikers and again snaps some nudie pics with his cellphone. Sacré bleu, Pitt-san! [ via Defamer]

Brad Pitt Pushes Citroen 2CV In Surreal Japanese Cell Phone Ad Brad Pitt Pushes Citroen 2CV In Surreal Japanese Cell Phone Ad Brad Pitt Pushes Citroen 2CV In Surreal Japanese C
What do you get if you cantankerous Brad Pitt, a Citroen 2CV, Wes Anderson and a topless adolescent woman? A… Apprehend added Read more
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