Sharing with "Friends of Friends" on Facebook Exposes You to 150,000 People

18:05 No Comment

Well this is agilely terrifying: according to a new Pew study, the Facebook aloofness approach a lot of us await on for photos and cachet updates is, on average, annihilation but private. Time to amend your settings, everyone.

The award is staggering—Friends of Accompany can hit as abounding as over seven actor people:

Facebook users can ability an boilerplate of added than 150,000 Facebook users through their Facebook friends; the boilerplate user can ability about 31,000 others. At two degrees of break (friends-of-friends), Facebook users in our sample can on boilerplate ability 156,569 added Facebook users. However, the almost baby amount of users with actual ample accompany lists, who aswell tended to accept lists that are beneath interconnected, overstates the ability of the archetypal Facebook user. In our sample, the best ability was 7,821,772 added Facebook users. The boilerplate user (the average user from our sample) can ability 31,170 humans through their friends-of-friends.

When you anticipate friend of a friend, the IRL alternation comes to mind. Your buddy's buddy. That guy you met at a bar who seems okay. Your girlfriend's pals from college. They have to be accept people, right? They're so almost removed from you, why not allotment all your photos with them?

Because 150,000+ humans includes a hell of a lot of strangers you apparently shouldn't trust, and absolutely don't (and will never) apperceive personally. You can apprehend the abstraction in its absoluteness below. [Pew]

PIP Facebook Users 2.3.12

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